A ghost light, the single bulb that stays illuminated when a theater is unoccupied, carries the weight of practicality, tradition, and superstition. Machine de Cirque’s Ghost Light: Between Fall and Flight makes visible what is invisible. In their telling of the story, the theater ghosts are drawn to the light. As the spirits recall the energy of a past life, they push each other around, push each other away, enjoy themselves, tear each other apart, only to fall into an embrace once again. Two spectacular acrobats on a teeterboard create a captivating performance of breathtaking feats and poignant choreography.
Fun facts: (1.) In 2016, this Quebec City troupe smashed the Guinness World Record for the most consecutive back flips on a teeterboard. (2.) This is the company that created the hilarious towel duet seen on various “Got Talent” shows here and abroad, viewed by more than 350 million fans online.